A tongue scraper is a small metal or plastic tool that helps remove bacteria, debris, and dead cells from your tongue. Not only does this help freshen your breath, but it also reduces your risk of developing cavities and gum disease.
It’s a fast way to remove unhelpful particles from your tongue’s surface and is be used in tandem with brushing and flossing not as a replacement for them.
1) Removes Bacteria, Debris and dead cells
A study found that tongue scrapers can remove up to 79% more bacteria than brushing alone!
2) Better Sense of Taste
Research from 2004 found that using a tongue scraper twice a day can improve your sense of taste!
3) Activates Organs
You can awaken your internal organs by using a tongue scraper. That’s right, eliminating the toxins that accumulated on your tongue overnight can help the rest of your body get started for the day.
4) Better Digestion
Tongue scraping helps activate those enzymes for better digestion. As the process starts in your mouth with the saliva.
5) Removes Bad Breath
By removing the bacteria that cause bad breath, it freshens breath. Just keep it in mind that it’s best to use it twice a day because scraping just in the morning won’t keep bad breath at bay for the entire day.
6) Boosts Overall Health
Your tongue is home to many kinds of bacteria. Some of these bacteria are good for you and some are bad. By using a tongue scraper, you can remove the harmful bacteria and help boost your immunity. It will also help prevent cavities, gum disease, and other issues.
How to Use a Tongue Scraper
Most tongue scrapers have a slightly rounded shape and look like an inverted spoon, to properly use a tongue scraper, follow these steps:
• Open your mouth in front of a mirror and stick out your tongue.
• Gently place the rounded end of the scraper at the back of your tongue.
• Start at the middle if you’re worried about triggering your gag reflex. You can go farther back as you get used to it.
• Gently and slowly pull the scraper forward towards the tip of your tongue. Never push it backward, but always start at the back and work your way to the front.
• Use a wet flannel or tissue to wipe the scraper clean after each scrape.
• Repeat until you’ve covered the entire surface. Usually, one or two scrapes in an area are enough.
Wash the tongue scraper with soap and warm water, dry it, and store it in a clean area. The entire process usually takes less than two minutes, which is easy to add to your routine!
One last thing try not to apply too much pressure. Be gentle enough so that you don’t harm your taste buds or cut your tongue but still use enough pressure to scrape off excess bacteria, debris and dead cells from your tongue. It’s always best to start more slowly and gently than you may need to get a feel for the practice.
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Sarah Lloyd-Jones
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